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Overview of SO UES JSC of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of world energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators

10 июля 2023
Views: 130

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (06/30/2023-07/06/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of grid / system operators.

Link to review


Review topics:

- New composition of ENTSO-E governing bodies approved

- German system operators presented the second version of the draft Power System Development Plan for 2037-2045

- Signed the main contracts for the construction of a submarine HVDC connection across the Bay of Biscay between the power systems of France and Spain

- Swedish OX2 received permission from the Skåne County Council (Sweden) for the construction of the offshore Triton wind farm with a design capacity of up to 1.5 GW

- Scottish SSEN Transmission invests £10bn to modernize and strengthen power grid infrastructure in the north of Scotland

- Germany's Viessmann is expanding a project to intelligently control heat pumps in private households to eliminate congestion in electrical networks

- German system operator 50Hertz intends to improve the process of charging electric vehicles

- Austrian Verbund uses specialized software to digitalize the SNEE commissioning process

- The President of the United States signed the Federal Reserve Act, which, among other things, provides for the optimization of the process for obtaining permits for the implementation of energy projects

- New York State System Operator Selects $3.3 Billion Electricity Infrastructure Project to Deliver 3,000 MW from offshore wind power off the coast of Long Island

- Canadian IESO conducted procurement procedures for the supply of up to 740 MW of EEOS capacity, which is planned to be built in the province of Ontario

- The Government of the Australian state of Queensland awarded two contracts to advance the 5 GW Pioneer-Burdekin pumped storage power plant in generator mode

- The Australian Government provided $20.5 billion in additional funding to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation

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