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Overview of SO UES JSC of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of world energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators

17 июля 2023
Views: 138

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (07/07/2023-07/13/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.

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Review topics:

- FERC releases preliminary analysis of power grid disruption in extreme cold weather

- The US FERC has issued two orders aimed at strengthening the protection of North American power systems from extreme weather events

- The system operator of the US state of Texas fixed a record level of electricity consumption in June this year

- Texas ERCOT Implements New Market Mechanism to Improve Balance Reliability of the State's Power System

- ABB to supply Power-to-Bridge technology for two new vessels of Norwegian Havfram Wind for offshore turbines

- Germany and Denmark signed an intergovernmental agreement on the development of the project to create an artificial energy island Bornholm in the Baltic Sea

- Elia published a study examining the balance reliability of the Belgian power system and the need for power flexibility for the period 2024-2034

- The World Bank Group has allocated $268.4 million to finance a project to build an underwater electrical connection between the power systems of Tunisia and Italy

- High-voltage transboundary transmission line between Kenya and Tanzania will be put into operation this year

- An agreement was signed on the allocation of a land plot for the construction of an onshore wind farm with a capacity of 10 GW in Egypt

- Canadian IESO conducted procurement procedures for the supply of up to 740 MW of EEOS capacity, which is planned to be built in the province of Ontario

- Transgrid plans to invest $11.2 billion in the development of the electrical infrastructure of the Australian state of New South Wales

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