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Overview of SO UES JSC of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of world energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators

07 августа 2023
Views: 98

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (07/28/2023-08/03/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.

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Review topics:

- The European System Operators Association published its 2022 annual report

- A request was sent to the Government of Sweden for approval of a project for the construction of a 2.8 GW offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Bothnia

- In the UK, until October this year, an innovative project was extended to study the possibility of restoring power supply after systemic failures using distributed power resources based on renewable energy sources

- U.S. East Coast System Operator prepared a report on the operation of the power system in its operating area during winter storm Elliot and recommendations for improving its operation during the winter period

- Despite extremely high temperatures, the power system of Texas (USA) operates reliably, including thanks to RES

- Four small modular nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 1.2 GW will be installed at the Darlington nuclear power plant site in Ontario

- Due to the electrification of the transport and utilities sectors and the decommissioning of peak generation in the power grid of New York (USA), a capacity shortage of up to 446 MW may occur

- An analysis of the balancing market by the American CAISO showed that from the moment it was launched to Q2 of this year, inclusive, the total savings in consumer spending on the electricity purchase exceeded $4 billion

- Hawaii to become first US state to install federally funded electric vehicle chargers

- The Inter-American Development Bank approved a $800 million credit line for the modernization of the Salto Grande hydro complex

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