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Overview of SO UPS JSC of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of world energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators

18 апреля 2023
Views: 105

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (04/07/2023-04/13/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.

Link to review

Review topics:

- One of the country's last coal-fired power plants closes in the UK

- Completed work on the laying of the underwater section of the HVDC connection Crete-Attica

- The share of renewable energy generation in the 50Hertz operating area reached a record 65% in 2022

- According to FERC decision, NV Energy will be provided with financial incentives for the implementation of the electric grid infrastructure expansion project in the state of Nevada (USA)

- FERC takes steps to strengthen the cybersecurity of the national power grid

- The American NERC has published recommendations for the protection settings of solar generation facilities using inverter equipment

- Residential solar generation reduced electricity consumption from the public grid in the US region of New England by 3% in 2022

- The American FERC published the next annual analytical report on the functioning of wholesale energy markets for 2022.

- MISO published a Power System Performance Report with a focus on Storm Elliot events in December 2022.

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