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Personnel for the power industry of the Union State

12 июля 2022
Views: 371

Against the backdrop of the energy crisis developing in the West, the countries of the Union State continue to build interaction and cooperation in various areas, including in the field of training personnel for the energy industry. The Electric Power Council (EPC) of the CIS held a meeting with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.

During the meeting, the parties identified the main directions of development and exchange of experience, outlined plans for the development of joint educational programs, organization of internships and interaction between repositories.

Nikolai Rogalev, Rector of the National Research University "MPEI", for the "Scientific and Educational Policy": “The development of sectoral educational integration on a large scale, including at the state level, is a strategically important goal in the context of modern scientific and technological progress. For effective assistance in improving the human resources potential of young generations, experienced professionals and leaders of industry organizations in the energy sector of both Russian and allied states - CIS countries, MPEI acts as a classic model of a higher academic school, having a set of resources and a highly qualified academic staff, demanded at the world level. I am sure that the unification of our efforts aimed at progressing the sectoral energy cooperation of the CIS countries will contribute to the modernization of the innovative potential of the allied states.”


 TELEGRAM Scientific and educational policy

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