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PJSC Rosseti notes a decrease in the accident rate in the Unified National Electric Grid of the Russian Federation by 11%for 9 months of 2022

31 октября 2022
Views: 143

In January-September 2022, the specific accident rate in the Unified National Electric Grid was reduced by 11%, Andrey Murov, Executive Director of PJSC Rosseti, at a meeting with the management of regional branches -  Main Electric Networks" (MEB).

According to the press service of PJSC Rosseti, the main electric networks of the Volga, Urals and South, where the indicators improved by 17-22%, became the best.

Andrey Murov noted that the priority task until the end of the year is to maintain the formed positive trend. He also stressed the need for all branches to fulfill their obligations under the investment program.

PJSC Rosseti is the largest electric grid company in Russia. The company combines in its structure the main power grid complex, interregional and regional distribution power grid companies. It manages 2.4 million km of power transmission lines, 528 thousand substations with a transformer capacity of more than 809 gigavolt-amperes.

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