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Power Machines completed the modernization of the largest in Uzbekistan Syrdarya TPP

07 октября 2021
Views: 343

The Russian company Power Machines has successfully completed the modernization of all six power units of the largest in Uzbekistan Syrdarya TPP, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of the republic said on Wednesday.

“Today, the three-year process of modernization of the Syrdarya TPP has been successfully completed in cooperation with specialists from Power Machines, a leader in the production of energy equipment in Russia,” TASS reports. It is noted that the entire modernization process was carried out in three stages, with two power units at each stage.

According to the press service, the turnkey contract is worth $ 177.1 million.

Syrdarya TPP annually generates 13 billion kWh, or more than 30% of the total electricity produced in Uzbekistan. Electricity deficit is growing in Uzbekistan, which is why the republic has recently resumed importing electricity from neighboring countries. Despite this, rolling blackouts are practiced in most areas in winter.

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