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Preliminary results of the VI-th All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of Distribution Electric Grids Operation Reliability "

12 июля 2021
Views: 955

On June 29-30, 2021, the VI-th All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of Distribution Electric Grids Operation Reliability" was held in Moscow. The conference was organized by the Rosseti company in partnership with JSC “United Energy Company”. Business coordinator and general information partner of the conference - the magazine “ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution ”.

The event was first held with the assistance of the CIS Electric Power Council.

For a comprehensive consideration of the most important issues of the power grid complex, 34 reports were presented.

Preliminary results:

• Ensuring sustainable development of power grids, reliability and safety of power supply to consumers is possible only on the basis of modern innovative technologies and equipment.

• Reduction of losses in electrical networks is possible through the use of a set of technical and organizational measures. It is necessary to continue the implementation of intelligent accounting systems and related software systems.

• Development of 10-20 kV distribution networks requires improvement of the regulatory and technical backgrounds, including the development of technological design standards for urban and rural networks.

• Reduction of operating costs is impossible without promoting maintenance and repair technologies based on equipment technical position. The key point in solving this problem is the replication of best practices of equipment and power transmission lines technical diagnostics available in various subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC Rosseti.

• Trained and  oriented personnel is key element for the successful functioning of the power grid complex. To this end, it is necessary to familiarize employees of subsidiaries, affiliates and branches with the topical issues discussed at the conference and the results of pilot projects.

• A new direction for the power grid complex is gaining momentum - closer interaction with consumers. The work here should be built on the partnership principle. Ahead is a joint search for new solutions in terms of effective network management, information exchange, demand management, mutual saving of resources.

Presentations of the VI-th All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of Operation Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids" reports are published here.

The management of the Rosseti company made a decision to hold the next VII-th All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of the Reliability of Operation of Distribution Electric Grids" at the end of June next, 2022.

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