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Preparation of electric power industry entities for the passage of the winter period is completed - Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

08 ноября 2022
Views: 197

The preparation of the subjects of the electric power industry entities for the 2022-2023 autumn-winter period passage has been completed. This was stated by Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov during a meeting held by Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 3.

“The preparation of electric power industry entities for work in the autumn-winter period has been completed. In all federal districts, as well as in new territories, a meeting of the government commission on power supply security was held. The certificate of readiness passports issuance will be held until November 5. It is predicted that 97% of energy facilities will confirm their readiness to work in this difficult period,” the minister noted.

According to Shulginov, the reserves of liquid and solid fuels at power plants of the Russian Federation amount to 170%, gas reserves in underground storage facilities amount to 72.6 billion cubic meters.

“In general, the Russian power system has the necessary margin of safety, a sufficient reserve of generating and grid capacity, which ensures the balance reliability of the Russian power system,” he stressed.

The head of the ministry added that the reserves of hydro resources at the HPPs of the Yenisei cascade are below the average annual values. For this reason, additional power generation is envisaged at power plants in Siberia and the Far East.

At the same time, energy companies are provided with an emergency supply of materials, equipment and diesel generators, he said.

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