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Renewable energy facilities already account for almost 6% of electricity generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

29 января 2024
Views: 111

Renewable energy facilities already account for almost 6% of electricity generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is still very little, but noticeably better than before.

At the end of last year, investments in fixed capital in the field of electricity production in the Republic of Kazakhstan reached 451.4 billion tenge - 47.5% more than a year earlier.

Most of the investments fell on the production of electricity by thermal power plants: 206.9 billion tenge, plus 29% for the year. In the segment of electricity production from “clean” sources (RES), investments are as follows:

• wind power plants - 175.8 billion tenge;

• hydroelectric power plants - 12.4 billion tenge;

• nuclear (nuclear) power plants - 288.6 million tenge;

• solar power plants - 39.1 million tenge.

Regionally, the largest volume of investments in the sector fell on the Pavlodar region: 138.3 billion tenge, annual growth by 60.7%. The top three also included Akmola (124 billion tenge, against 8.1 billion tenge a year earlier) and Zhetysu (34.8 billion tenge, plus 26.5% for the year) regions.

At the end of 2023, the installed capacity of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan amounted to 2.9 thousand MW - 20.1% more than a year ago. For comparison: a year earlier the figure was 2.4 thousand MW, plus 18.8% for the year. Compared to 2018, the capacity of renewable energy facilities increased by a noticeable 5.4 times.

Most of the installed capacity came from solar power plants: 1.4 thousand MW, plus 21.5% for the year. Next come small hydroelectric power plants: 1.2 billion tenge, annual growth by 4.3 times. Wind power plants had a capacity of 269.6 MW (minus 71.9%), bioelectric power stations - 1.8 MW (the same as a year earlier).

During January–December 2023, electricity generation by renewable energy sources reached 6.7 billion kWh, which is 30.6% more than in January–December 2022. The share of electricity generated by renewable energy facilities in the total volume of electrical energy production was 5.9%, compared to 4.5% a year earlier.

The majority of electricity generation among renewable energy sources came from wind power plants: 3.8 billion kWh, plus 58.6% for the year. The second and third lines are occupied by solar power plants (1.9 billion kWh, plus 5.2% for the year) and small hydroelectric power plants (993.9 million kWh, plus 6.4%). Bioelectric power plants generated 2.7 million kWh of electricity (plus 36.9%).

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