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Representatives of power systems of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania discussed topical issues of parallel operation of the BRELL Electric Ring

17 ноября 2020
Views: 989

On November 1, a regular, 39th meeting of the Power Systems Committee of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (BRELL) was held in the video-conference mode. During the meeting, the issues of updating the current regulatory and technical base of the Electric Ring (EC) BRELL, plans to commission power unit No. 1 of the Belarusian NPP and the results of testing the operation of the Kaliningrad power system in an isolated mode were discussed.

From  the Russian side, representatives of SO UPS JSC, FGC UPS PJSC, and Rosseti PJSC took part in the meeting of the BRELL Energy Systems Committee. Other parties were represented by SPA "Belenergo" (Belarus), Elering AS (Estonia), AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" (Latvia) and LITGRID AB (Lithuania).

As part of the ongoing work on updating the regulatory and technical base, the parties discussed the development of instructions on the modes of power systems parallel operation, changes in the instructions for preventing the development and elimination of violations of normal operation in BRELL EC. The parties agreed on a new version of the agreement on the maintenance and use of the standard emergency power reserve in BRELL EC without the participation of the Lithuanian side, which intends to withdraw from this agreement from January 1, 2021. The parties also approved the adjusted list of dispatch facilities distribution of the IPS of Belarus, UPS of Russia, PS of Estonia, PS of Latvia and PS of Lithuania.

In addition, the meeting participants discussed the process of putting into pilot operation the power unit No. 1 of the Belarusian NPP and the issues of emergency control and transmission of telemetric information related to the launch of a new generation facility. The parties also familiarized themselves with the results of successful tests of the Kaliningrad power system in isolated mode, carried out in September.

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