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Representatives of the EC EPC CIS made a keynote speech at the ESCAP 2nd Asia-Pacific Regulatory Forum on the Development of Connectivity of Energy Systems

06 июня 2023
Views: 113


Representatives of the EC EPC CIS Olga Frolova and Georgy Ermolenko made a keynote presentation "The contribution of the EPC CIS to the low-carbon development of the CIS member states" within the framework of Session 2: "Regulatory interaction to increase the share of RES in energy systems" of the ESCAP 2nd Asia-Pacific Regulatory Energy Connectivity Forum.

The report included:

- dynamics of solar, wind and hydro generation additions in the CIS member states from 2010 to 2022;

- financial and non-financial measures to support RES, the main goals and context of energy policy, the main technological and regulatory challenges faced in practice by regulators, operators and entities of power systems;

- the main tools to support decision-making on emerging challenges and opportunities on the part of the EC EPC CIS and the working bodies of the EPC CIS;

- evolution of the CIS regulatory framework of renewable energy and low-carbohydrate energy development support, including priorities in the field of renewable energy;

- Initiatives for possible joint research with ESCAP and UNECE;

- the main directions of harmonization of instruments for regulating low-carbon development of the CIS member states.


The main objective of the Forum is to promote dialogue and knowledge sharing among energy regulators to enhance cooperation on energy sector development and related issues throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Forum participants discussed four main topics:

(1) the importance of cross-border cooperation between regulators;

(2) cooperation of regulators to increase the integration of renewable energy sources;

(3) security implications of cross-border integration of power systems;

(4) the implications of pricing for the integration of power systems.


The presentation is available at the link:

The program and concept of the Forum are available at: https://www.unescap.org/events/2023/2nd-asia-pacific-regulatory-forum-power-system-connectivity

Related materials (ESCAP studies on the theme of the event): https://www.unescap.org/kp/2023/accelerating-energy-transition-through-transnational-power-system-connectivity.

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