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Results of implementation of business transformations at KEGOC in 2020

31 декабря 2020
Views: 30064

At regular information day of the KEGOC Business Transformation Program: “IDEAS TO GROW ", held in the format of an online conference, the results of the Company's business transformations implementation were announced. Welcoming the participants of the event, Bakytzhan Kazhiev noted the production and financial achievements of KEGOC over the past year. Within the framework of the Transformation Program, the company continues to successfully implement a number of projects in the field of building an active-adaptive grid - the basis of an intelligent energy system. Among the elements of creating a Smart Grid are projects for the implementation of a centralized emergency control system (CECS), an automatic frequency and power control system (AFPCS), a monitoring and control system based on WAMS / WACS synchrophasor technologies. The implementation of these projects makes it possible to increase capacity of the NPS, eliminates the need to perform a huge number of calculation options for the selection of emergency control, minimize the amount of control actions of emergency automation to shutdown consumers and generation, and also make the most efficient use of the available resources of maneuverable generation, and most importantly, ensure the quality of electricity and reliability of power plants in Kazakhstan. “Changes in technologies and processes are not possible without support from the team. Recent studies in the field of ensuring social stability indicate a high level of support for the transformation program among KEGOC's administrative and management personnel, which amounted to 70%, and among production personnel - 74%. These are the highest rates of support among national companies implementing similar programs”, he said. Over the five-year period of implementation of the Business Transformation Program, KEGOC has successfully completed 8 out of 18 projects. Some projects and activities have already been completed and transferred to operative business, some are in the active implementation stage. As the Chief Director for Business Transformation of KEGOC JSC Khabibulla Kaziev noted, the Program's initiatives are aimed at achieving the main strategic development goals of the company. In general, for the period 2016-2019 as a result of the implementation of the Program, the following indicators were achieved:

- due to cost optimization, the company received net benefits in the amount of 23 billion tenge;

- more than 2000 employees of the company were trained;

 - reengineering of processes was carried out, in order to improve management efficiency, a decision was made to introduce a process management system (SPM), today almost 8000 thousand target business processes have been described;

- the development strategy of the ITC complex was adopted. During the implementation of the Program, 15 information systems have been introduced or are being implemented. Sponsors of projects and events Muktar Bekenov (Implementation of a centralized system of emergency response and mode automatics for managing UPS operating modes), Zhandos Nurmaganbetov (Implementation of a monitoring and control system based on synchrophasor technologies WACS / WAMS), Tolegen Safuani (Cybersecurity Project and IT Cost Reduction Measures, KEGOC Data Analytics, Aibek Botabekov (Implementation of the Enterprise Automated Information Management System), Zhagabay Beksary (Formation of effective human resources), Ermakhanbet Atakulov (Automation of HSE business processes and the situation with COVID-19 in the Company). To promote the initiatives of the Business Transformation Program in the production branches and subsidiaries of the company, since February 2016, KEGOC has formed a network of Business Transformation Agents, which for about 5 years has been providing all kinds of assistance and is a reliable agent of transformation. The Transformations Agent, deputy director of the Eastern Intersystem Electrical Networks(IEN) branch Saken Karabalayev spoke about the tasks facing the Pool of Agents. This year, the pool of agents expanded with representatives of subsidiaries of Energoinform JSC and “FSC for RES support” LLP, as well as second-level agents from among the heads of territorial electrical networks and substations of IEN branches. Currently, the pool of agents of both levels in the company and in subsidiaries totals to 157 agents. Together with the transformation team of the company, they conducted a survey on the level of involvement and awareness of production personnel about the ongoing transformations, the results of which, in general, indicate a high level of awareness and support for the Transformation Program initiatives among production workers. At KEGOC, information days are held annually and are the most important communication tool between management and employees of the company. The translation of the results obtained and the announcement of future plans ensure the involvement of all stakeholders of the Transformation Program and the effective implementation of the Company's transformation program.

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