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Results of the project in the field of wind energy were summarized in Belarus

09 июля 2021
Views: 925

Marina Belous, head of the international technical assistance project "Removing Barriers to Wind Power Development in the Republic of Belarus", spoke about the results of its implementation at a press conference "On the State and Prospects of Renewable Energy  Development of Belarus."

This year, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with the United Nations Development Program and the Global Environment Facility, completed an international technical assistance project. Its implementation began in 2015. Since that time, the Atlas of the Wind Potential of Belarus has been completely reevaluated and updated. "We were able to make sure, by conducting specific measurements of the wind potential at an altitude of 100 m, that the winds in the country are good, sufficient for the development of wind energy. We also presented solar radiation map in the atlas. In certain areas, we have enough sun to build solar power plants", said Marina Belous.

Also, a lot of attention was paid to improving the qualifications of personnel who work in the field of renewable energy. A detailed study guide has been prepared with a description of specific cases, some errors in the state environmental expertise and environmental impact assessment in the implementation of renewable energy projects.

"In general, a lot of work has been done to ensure that our renewable energy follows the path of development of such advanced countries as Germany, Denmark and others. Development is not only installed capacities, but also the quality of project preparation, their implementation, and everything that contributes to the achievement of the seventh goal of sustainable development - to provide the population with clean and affordable electricity, "the expert emphasized.

Marina Belous noted: the project included such a global goal as reducing the impact on the climate, reducing the level of greenhouse gases. “Now this issue is gaining special relevance in connection with the upcoming conference of the parties to the climate convention, which will be held in November. And also due to the fact that the European Union plans to introduce mechanisms of the Green Deal strategy. In particular, next week, July 14 , the EU will discuss a draft document that introduces a mechanism for carbon adjustment of imports. This is a kind of carbon border tax on those goods that will be imported into the EU. Of course, for Belarus, this issue is also relevant from the point of view of its careful study and possible ways for better preparation for the introduction of this tax. In this regard, renewable energy is seen as one of the possible ways to be ready for the introduction of this regulation in European countries that are of interest to Belarus in the field of trade, "she said.

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