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Results of the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of the Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids"

24 августа 2022
Views: 77

Event Dates: July 13–14, 2022

Venue: Moscow, World Trade Center


Organizer: PJSC Rosseti.

Co-organizer: magazine “ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution.

With the assistance of: Electric Power Council of the CIS, NRU "MPEI", ISEM SB RAS.

Partners: OEK JSC, Tavrida Electric Group of Companies, ERA of Russia Association, Encore Engineering, PROMENERGO LLC, Forenergo Production Association, POLYPLASTIC Group LLC, VostokEnergoService LLC.



The event was devoted to topical issues facing the distribution grid complex, and the most effective solutions that can ensure its optimal functioning and development.


The main thematic areas of the conference:

- strategic issues of development of distribution electric networks;

- increase in efficiency of distribution electric networks;

- non-standard solutions using new technologies (experience of companies);

- optimization of work and safety of personnel;

- development of customer services, interaction with consumers.


50 reports on the indicated thematic areas were considered.


Conference participants: 820 experts (in person and online) from 13 CIS and far abroad countries, including representatives of the largestpower grid companies, equipment manufacturers and service providers, experts from industry departments and scientists.



Conference participants noted:

1. Distribution grid companies need to continue the introduction of new management systems aimed at improving the reliability and quality of services, minimizing the time for restoring power supply to consumers in the event of technological disruptions.

2. Actual solutions for the tasks of further development and reliability improvement should be considered:

- ensuring the quality of electrical energy through automatic voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, reducing the influence of non-linear load, including in areas where autonomous hybrid electrical installations based on renewable energy sources (RES) and energy storage systems are used;

- improving the efficiency of distribution electrical networks based on an integrated approach to the justification and selection of the neutral grounding system;

- the use of new information and analytical platforms for assessing the reliability of equipment and electrical circuits, taking into account their condition;

- introduction of a system for automatic shutdown of a power line with an isolated neutral in case of a single-phase earth fault, adaptive algorithms for building relay protection with a distributed architecture;

- introduction of a self-healing automatic control system based on the use of reclosers and balancing the operation of distribution electrical networks;

- introduction and replication of lightning protection devices of a new type, the use of modern construction technologies that are optimal for the type of terrain;

- optimization of work and ensuring the safety of employees.



3. Despite external challenges and changing market conditions, the transition of the distribution grid complex to a new high-tech platform is still an urgent task. The introduction of appropriate equipment and materials should be continued.

4. An important strategic direction is the consolidation of the electric grid economy. In this regard, efforts should be concentrated on eliminating ownerless electrical networks and ensuring their high-quality operation.

5. It is necessary to use more widely innovative technical solutions and technologies for providing power supply to consumers for the period of emergency recovery work in 0.4–20 kV networks:

- mobile electrical installations of reverse transformation 0.4/6-10 kV;

- service lines;

- prefabricated supports of various designs and insulating traverses;

- expansion of the range of works performed under voltage.

6. It is necessary to further increase the geography of application of technical solutions and technologies for constructing 0.4–20 kV electrical networks, ensuring a reduction in operating costs (OPEX):

- installation of devices and use of systems for determining the location of damage;

- installation of reclosers and exhaust-type fuses-disconnectors (ETFD);

- creation of networks with low-resistance neutral grounding;

- application of aluminum non-heat-treated high-strength wire SIP-3 ANVP in 6–10 kV networks;

- creation of self-healing lines;

- application of bird protection devices in certain sections of the network;

- use of methods of remote control without turning off the equipment;

- the use of thermal indicators.

7. Automated hybrid electrical installations (AHIE) should be used with an appropriate feasibility study for solutions to provide power supply to “isolated” territories.

8. It is necessary to develop communication networks in solving the problems of automation of distribution networks. Depending on the level of responsibility of network sections, as well as taking into account the technical and economic assessment of options, various types of communication should be used (fiber-optic line, broadband wireless radio access, services of cellular operators, etc.).

9. It is advisable to use the experience of OEK JSC in building 20 kV distribution electrical networks, considering the possibility of adapting and applying for the Rosseti Group the STO “Electric network 20 kV of Megapolis. Methodical instructions for technological design”.

10. It is necessary to develop a legislative framework to improve the mechanism for ensuring the security of automation equipment in the power grid complex as an object of critical information infrastructure and to develop a systematic approach in this area.

Based on the results of the discussion of all reports, electric grid companies are recommended to:

1. To familiarize the employees of the companies of the Rosseti Group, as well as other TSOs, with the issues discussed and the results of the pilot projects.

2. Update the assessment of the technical condition of distribution electrical networks and develop programs for their reconstruction and modernization.

3. Familiarize all technical managers with the capabilities and functionality of information systems (IS) developed by FRC JSC. Organize the processes of planning and implementation of R&D, taking into account the use of the capabilities of the relevant IS.

4.  Include, in the prescribed manner, in the list of R&D works on:

− creation of a prototype system for assessing the reliability of modern distribution systems;

− development of technologies for controlled neutral grounding with the function of automatic balancing of network sections in distribution electrical networks of           6–35 kV.

Include reports on the topics of the above R&D in the program of the next conference.

5.  Taking into account the experience of Russian and foreign organizations presented at the conference, to strengthen the work on identifying unaccounted for consumption of electrical energy, including using automated systems for detecting imbalances. Demonstrate practical results in the reports of the next conference.

6.  Continue work on the introduction of mobile solutions when performing maintenance and repair tasks in electrical distribution networks, including taking into account the principles of import substitution.

7. Continue the introduction of technologies for working under voltage in the distribution electrical networks of the SDCs of the Rosseti Group. To form a list of protective equipment, insulated tools and other devices for recruiting teams performing such work, including the method at a distance in networks of 6–10 kV.

8.  Pay special attention to the training of personnel in preparation for working with new and modern equipment in order to correctly and consistently perform the necessary operations. Increase the share of staff training using VR and AR technologies in relation to the total volume of training programs by the end of the first half of 2023.

9.  On the basis of pilot projects and the results of calculations of various technical and economic models, by November 01, 2022, send proposals to the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti on improving the regulatory, technical and legal framework in the following areas:

− technical requirements, guidelines for the selection, design and justification of the effectiveness of the application, as well as methods for testing energy storage systems (ESS);

− inclusion of ESS in the system services market and creation of a market for network services to ensure return on investment in the construction and operation of ESS s;

− design and implementation of effective systems to counter cyberattacks;

− ensuring the unity of representation of names of addresses of objects in the development of information systems (technological connection, GIS, interaction with clients);

− organization of lightning protection for overhead lines 6–35 kV;

− ensuring the necessary levels of quality of electrical energy for certain categories of consumers (organizations in the oil and gas sector, etc.).

10. Expand and improve the quality of modern digital services that provide prompt information to consumers about the situation and events in distribution electric networks, receive the necessary information from customers.

11. Schedule the next conference in the summer of 2023 with an increase in the scale of the event.

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