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Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

25 сентября 2023
Views: 113

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (09/15/2023-09/21/2023), based on materials from foreign media and official websites of network/system operators.

Review link

Review Topics:

- The Finnish system operator presented an assessment of the balance reliability of the national power system for the upcoming autumn-winter period

- Swedish Svenska kraftnät launches a national market for operational secondary frequency regulation reserves

- German system operator TransnetBW received permission to build the HVDC section of the Ultranet connection between Mannheim-Wallstadt and Philippsburg

- Construction of the Sofia offshore wind farm with a capacity of 1.4 GW has begun in the British part of the North Sea

- German system operators have announced an auction for the selection of capacity reserves for the period from October 2024 to October 2026

- The 132 kV electrical connection between the island of Elba and mainland Italy was put into operation

- The American NYISO is preparing an appeal to FERC to increase the deadline for fulfilling requirements to improve the technological connection procedure

- The Texas system operator is considering the possibility of maintaining the 292 MW power unit of the Barney Davis gas thermal power plant in order to ensure the balance reliability of the power system

- The US Department of Energy announced $15.5 billion to support the transition to electric vehicle manufacturing and the development of domestic battery production

- American PJM and a number of power market participants reached an agreement to settle penalties for shortfalls in electricity supply during the winter “Storm Elliott”

- Developing clear market signals could stimulate development of Pacific wind energy sector in the United States

- The industry regulator of the US state of Kentucky rejected a contract for the supply of electricity for cryptocurrency mining

- RWE Offshore won an auction for the distribution of rights to lease one of the sites in the Gulf of Mexico for the construction of offshore wind power generation

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