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Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

02 октября 2023
Views: 88

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (09/22/2023-09/28/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators.

Review link

Review Topics:

- FERC and NERC held a public meeting to discuss the results of an analysis of the performance of the national power grid during Winter Storm Elliot in late December last year

- A record number of renewable energy projects have received government funding as part of the fifth phase of the UK's Contracts for Difference program

- The British regulator published an open letter with proposals for reforming electricity transmission tariffs

- German 50Hertz completed the commissioning of four phase-shifting transformers at the Hamburg Ost substation

- As part of the use of Power-to-Heat technology, a 20 MW electric boiler house in Rostock was connected to the district heating system

- Italian system operator Terna has signed a contract with Prysmian for the supply of submarine and underground cables for the Adriatic Link HVDC connection

- Masdar has signed an agreement worth $1.5 billion for the development, construction and subsequent operation of the sixth phase of a 1.8 GW solar park in Dubai

- Offshore wind farm Formosa 2 with a capacity of 376 MW was put into commercial operation in Taiwan

- Sage Geosystems Demonstrates Competitiveness of Geothermal Energy Storage

- The Australian state government of New South Wales is investing $1.8 billion to accelerate the energy transition.

- Developing clear market signals could stimulate development of Pacific wind energy sector in the United States

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