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Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

07 ноября 2023
Views: 62

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (10/27/2023-11/02/2023), based on materials from foreign media and official websites of network/system operators.

Review link

Review Topics:

- The British Crown Estate has updated the conditions for the fifth round of the auction for the distribution of lease rights to areas in the Celtic Sea for the placement of floating wind farms

- German-Dutch TenneT has concluded framework agreements worth €1.9 billion for the modernization of critical electrical grid infrastructure

- The second power unit with a capacity of 200 MW of the fourth stage of the solar park was put into operation in the Emirate of Dubai (UAE)

- Construction of two run-of-river hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 624 MW and 540 MW has begun in India

- The Department of Energy has allocated $3.5 billion to support infrastructure projects in forty-four US states

- Texas ERCOT will issue a request for proposals for the supply of an additional 3 GW of capacity reserves for the upcoming winter period

- The Texas energy regulator will not allow the decommissioning of 8.3 GW of coal and gas generation capacity

- The system operator of the states of the US Midwest and South predicts the possibility of declaring an emergency in January 2024

- EIA application submitted for Australia's first renewable energy zone

- Australian Transgrid has published a report on current changes to the preferred VNI West interconnection HVAC corridor

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