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Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

20 ноября 2023
Views: 79

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (11/10/2023-11/16/2023), based on materials from foreign media and official websites of network/system operators.

Review link

Review Topics:

- US regulators published the final results of the investigation into disruptions in the operation of power systems in December 2022 (“Blizzard Elliot”)

- A new system code has come into force in India

- The Danish system operator is launching a pilot project for temporary connection of wind farms and solar power plants to the electrical grid

- Italian system operator selects two startups to implement digital solutions to improve reliability and resilience to climate risks

- The total installed capacity of solar power plants in China reached 525 GW

- The US government will allocate more than $38 million to support hydropower projects across the country

- The American state of Missouri has approved a project for the construction of the Grain Belt Express HVDC connection between the states of Kansas, Missouri and Illinois

- American Rhizome launches AI-based information platform to model power system vulnerabilities to extreme weather events

- US FERC responded to the New England States System Operator's request to review Order No. 2222

- The industry regulator cut the budget proposed by the system operator of the US state of Texas

- FERC directed NERC to develop rules and standards aimed at improving the reliability of inverter power resources

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