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Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

26 февраля 2024
Views: 188

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (02/16/2024-02/21/2024), based on materials from foreign media and official websites of network/system operators.

Review link

Review Topics:

- The Swedish system operator presented scenarios for the development of the power system for the period up to 2050.

- The American ISO-NE has prepared an analysis of reliability in 2024.

- The number of registered members of the consumption flexibility management service in the UK exceeded 2.2 million

- The American FERC approved the ISO-NE initiative on power market reform

- Swedish Svenska kraftnät, within the framework of a government task, is improving the process of technological connection to the national power system

- The American agency EIA plans to begin regularly collecting data on electricity consumption by mining farms in the United States

- EIB commits final €500 million tranche to Tyrrhenian Link subsea HVDC project in Italy

- The American FERC will consider an agreement between PJM Interconnection and the state of New Jersey for the development of offshore wind generation

- Thanks to the Belgian modular network in the North Sea, the Rentel wind farm continues to generate electricity

- The US Department of Energy will provide a $1.1 billion grant to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in operation

- A decommissioned copper and zinc mine in Finnish Pyhäsalmi will be converted into a gravity energy storage facility

- In Hawaii, the Kapolei ESS with a capacity of 185 MW and a capacity of 565 MWh was put into operation

- Chinese Tencent commissioned a rooftop solar power plant with a capacity of 10.54 MW to supply power to a data center in Tianjin

- The German Kyon Energy plans to build an ESS with a capacity of 50 MW and a capacity of 116 MWh in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate

- The largest virtual power plant in the country has been created in the Canadian province of Ontario.

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