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Rise in electricity prices in Kazakhstan in 2020

01 февраля 2021
Views: 1666

In December 2020, electricity was 6.5% more expensive for Kazakhstanis than a year earlier.

The residents of the national capital, as well as the West Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions felt the strongest annual growth. Tariffs in Mangistau and East Kazakhstan regions remained unchanged.

As noted, last year Kazakhstan produced 107.9 billion kWh of electricity, which is 1.9% more than a year earlier. Electricity consumption amounted to 107.1 billion kWh, with an increase of 2% over the year.

The largest volume of generation fell on Pavlodar, Karaganda and East Kazakhstan regions, the largest volume of consumption - on Pavlodar, Karaganda and Alma- Ata’s regions.


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