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Rosatom will build a unique small nuclear power plant in Kyrgyzstan

08 июня 2023
Views: 96

Rosatom plans to build its first small nuclear power plant (SNPP) outside of Russia - construction will begin in Kyrgyzstan. This information was confirmed by the head of the state corporation Alexei Likhachev during the Eurasian Congress. Likhachev noted that Kyrgyzstan is very active in implementing a project to build a small nuclear power plant based on Russian technology.

He called this export delivery a flagship one and noted that it would be the first of its kind for the world market.

According to the annual report of Atomenergoprom, Rosatom plans to complete the preliminary feasibility study (pre-feasibility study) of the SNPP for Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar this year. In addition, before the end of the year, the state corporation will hand over the pre-feasibility study of the SNPP to Indian partners.

At the booth of Rosatom, the delegations were provided with information about the joint project of the nuclear power plant of Russia and Belarus, which is considered the most efficient in the world. Alexei Likhachev emphasized that this is a world-class project, consisting of two powerful units with a capacity of 1,200 megawatts each. At present, the first block of the Belarusian NPP has already been put into operation, and the second is at the testing stage.

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