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Rosseti PJSC and Azerenergy OJSC discussed the work of the power grid complexes of the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan

30 июня 2023
Views: 215

It was about the development and modernization of the network, the reliable operation of two 110 and 330 kV energy transits that provide flows between countries, the experience of operating electrical equipment manufactured in Russia and Azerbaijan.

The delegation of PJSC Rosseti, headed by General Director Andrey Ryumin, exchanged experience with colleagues from Azerbaijan in the field of operating the network infrastructure and promoting the expansion of power equipment production. This is stated in the message of the holding following the results of a working visit to Baku.

Representatives of the companies PJSC "Rosseti" and OJSC "Azerenerji" discussed the functioning of the power grid complexes of the two countries. There is a cooperation agreement between the companies that provides for joint work in the field of design, construction and reconstruction of interstate transits, assessment of the feasibility of implementing integration projects, interaction on the issues of reliable operation of facilities in the border areas of Russia and Azerbaijan, including in the elimination of technological violations.

The parties discussed the development and modernization of the network, the reliable operation of two 110 and 330 kV energy transits that provide flows between countries, the experience of operating electrical equipment manufactured in Russia and Azerbaijan, and interaction in the field of human resource development.

The Russian delegation visited the Main Grid Control Center of Azerenerji OJSC, from where the automatic control of the national power system and the regulation of cross-border electricity exchanges are carried out, the report says. In addition, representatives of PJSC Rosseti got acquainted with the production sites that produce power units and switching devices, cable products and fiber-optic communication lines.

PJSC Rosseti is one of the largest electric grid companies in the world. The group includes 43 subsidiaries and affiliates, including 16 distribution grid companies. Among them are Rosseti Center, Rosseti Center and Volga Region, Rosseti Moscow Region, Rosseti Lenenergo and others.

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