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Rosseti presented at the Conference the Digital Industry of Industrial Russia (DIIR) a solution for the unification of IT architecture and projects for import substitution of high-tech products

09 июня 2023
Views: 166

A delegation headed by Konstantin Kravchenko, Deputy General Director of PJSC Rosseti for Digital Transformation, took part in the DIIR Conference in Nizhny Novgorod. The company presented a project of a unified corporate architecture modeling system.

End-to-end technologies in the network complex are already actively used in areas where there is organizational and technical readiness. For example, these are “smart” electricity metering, automated operational and technological control systems, unmanned aircraft for monitoring the power lines condition, etc. A serious constraint for the further implementation of digital solutions is the historically accumulated fragmentation of automation solutions and a large number of legacy systems.

To overcome this barrier, ROSSETI Group is gradually implementing the “Unified IT Architecture with Import Substitution Requirements” initiative, the key element of which is the life cycle management system for the IT landscape and IT solutions of the ROSSETI Group or a modeling system of unified corporate architecture that will ensure the emergence of standard processes in the IT landscape of the network complex, their storage on a single platform with the possibility of timely updating the state of implemented solutions.

“We expect the creation of such a tool to have an impact on the industry as a whole. According to the methodology of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, our IT architecture is formed on the principles of "openness" or the creation of an understandable "language of communication" with the market by unifying requirements and consolidating the order, which will allow us to develop optimal domestic IT products, successfully solve import substitution tasks, and create export potential. Due to this approach, we will get a synergistic effect and significantly reduce the time and cost of project implementation,” said Konstantin Kravchenko.

The unified corporate architecture modeling system will be implemented on the domestic platform, for which the Rosseti Group has developed description rules based on the best world and Russian practices. The product is being implemented as a continuation of work in the field of automation and unification of information exchange.

In 2022, within the framework of the DIIR Conference, the RS-20 technological management platform was presented to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, which allows "embedding" new software into processes without losing functionality. This project is currently being replicated in the Rosseti Group, and an agreement has been reached on its implementation in Belarus. Yury Korobtsov, Director General of Rosseti ASTU (ASTU Operator JSC), spoke about the progress of integration of its own IT solution at Brestenergo enterprises at CIPR-2023.

In addition, the Rosseti Group is implementing R&D for import substitution of the electronic component base of microprocessor relay protection and automation devices (RPA).

As Grigory Gladkovsky, Deputy Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti, noted at the DIIR Conference, as a result of the work, domestic solutions will be selected on which digital relay protection systems can be created, and Russian-made prototypes will be developed.

In the Rosseti Group, all equipment undergoes a quality check (appraisal), during which, among other things, an analysis of the reliability of the supply chains of imported products and components is carried out, as well as an assessment of the risks of supply and after-sales service.

In addition, in the near future a mechanism will be launched to confirm the origin of products purchased for the needs of the power grid economy in the territory of the Russian Federation, which will serve as an incentive for further localization of the component base in the country.

In general, in order to reduce the level of dependence on foreign equipment and technologies, the Rosseti Group is implementing measures of the corporate import substitution plan and a unified technical policy in the power grid complex. This made it possible to increase the share of domestic equipment in the company's purchases to almost 94%.

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