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Rosstandart approved new national standards for relay protection devices

07 сентября 2020
Views: 635

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), by orders dated August 27, 2020, approved eight new national standards of the Russian Federation for relay protection and automation devices, reports the System Operator (SO), which was elaborating the drafts of these standards.

The standards are included in the group of standards “Unified Power   System and Isolated Power Systems. Relay protection and automation ", which establishes the functional requirements for certain types of relay protection and automation devices (RPA):

- GOST R 58886−2020 “Distance and current relay protection of power lines and equipment with a voltage class of 330 kV and above. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58887−2020 “Distance and current relay protection of power lines and equipment with voltage class 110 - 220 kV. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58978−2020 "Differential relay protection of power transmission lines with a voltage class of 330 kV and above. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58979−2020 “Differential relay protection of power transmission lines with voltage class 110 - 220 kV. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58980−2020 "Differential-phase relay protection of power transmission lines with a voltage class of 330 kV and above. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58981−2020 "Differential-phase relay protection of power transmission lines with voltage class 110 - 220 kV. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58982−2020 "Directional high-frequency relay protection of power lines with voltage class 110 - 220 kV. Functional requirements";

- GOST R 58983−2020 "Relay protection and automation of autotransformers (transformers), shunt reactors, controlled shunt reactors, capacitor banks with the highest voltage class of 110 kV and above. Functional requirements".

These standards come into force on January 1, 2021. The official text of the standards will be available for review after publication - on the Rosstandart website, as well as for distribution in the online store of the authorized organization FSUE “STANDARTINFORM”.

In accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Technological Functioning of Power Systems (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and dated August 13, 2018 No. 937), to ensure the reliability and survivability of the power system and prevent damage to power lines and equipment, all power lines, equipment of power facilities, power receiving units that are part of the power system, regardless of the voltage class must be equipped with relay protection devices. The general requirements for the equipment and principles of operation of relay protection and automation devices are established by the Requirements for equipping power lines and equipment for power facilities with a voltage class of 110 kV and above with relay protection and automation devices and complexes, as well as for the principles of functioning of relay protection and automation devices and complexes (approved by the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 13.02.2019 No. 101).

New standards were elaborated in order to develop these regulatory legal acts and are aimed at ensuring the implementation of their provisions during the creation (modernization) and subsequent operation of relay protection and automation devices as part of the power system, explained in CO.

The draft standards were elaborated by SO UPS according to the action plan of the subcommittee ТК016 / PC-1 "Electric power systems" of the technical committee for standardization ТК 016 "Electric power engineering".

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