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Rosstandart has approved a new national standard for the use of secure information exchange protocols for ODC in the electric power industry

13 ноября 2023
Views: 120

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), by order of October 31, 2023 No. 1317−st, approved GOST R 71077−2023 “Unified energy system and isolated operating energy systems. Operational dispatch control. Remote control. Rules for the use of secure protocols when organizing information exchange."

GOST R 71077−2023 was developed by SO UPS according to the work plan of the subcommittee TK016/PK−7 “Intelligent technologies in the electric power industry.”

As explained by the System Operator, the standard is included in the group of national standards “Unified Power System and Isolated Power Systems. Operational dispatch control. Remote control”, establishing requirements for changing the technological operating mode and operational state of electrical grid equipment, relay protection and automation devices, changing the load of generating equipment of power plants using remote control tools from dispatch centers of the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry.

GOST R 71077−2023 defines the conditions and rules for the use of secure protocols to ensure information security when organizing and implementing the following types of remote control from dispatch centers of the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry:

— Remote control of switching devices, grounding disconnectors, technological mode of operation of electrical network equipment and relay protection and automation devices at electric power facilities;

— Remote control of active and reactive power of generating equipment of wind and solar power plants;

— remote control of the active and reactive power of hydraulic power plants with an installed generating capacity of 50 MW or less, the automated control system of which ensures the operation of such a power plant in automatic mode without the intervention of operating personnel, ensuring control of the water regime and compliance with established restrictions on the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, as well as safe operation of hydraulic structures;

— Remote control of the active power of hydraulic and pumped storage power plants by transmitting commands to change the target power setting in group control systems of the active power of such power plants connected to a centralized (central coordinating) system for automatic control of frequency and active power flows;

— Remote control of the active power of thermal power plants by automatically bringing planned dispatch schedules to such power plants;

— Remote implementation of schedules for temporary shutdown of consumption by automated transmission of commands for the introduction of such schedules from the operational information complexes of dispatch centers to the software and hardware complexes of the automated technological control system of network management centers of network organizations.

GOST R 71077−2023 will come into force on December 1, 2023. After publication, the official text of the national standard will be available for review on the Rosstandart website, as well as for ordering in the online store of the authorized organization FSBI Institute of Standardization.

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