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RusHydro intends to take part in the design of new hydroelectric power stations in Tajikistan, - Putin

22 ноября 2023
Views: 159

The RusHydro group intends to take part in the design of new hydropower hubs in Tajikistan, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement to the media at the end of the Russian-Tajikistan negotiations, which took place in Moscow on Tuesday, November 21.

“Our country also helps Tajikistan in the development of electric power capacities. The Sangtuda hydroelectric power station, built with Russian participation, produces more than 10% of the electricity consumed by Tajikistan. The RusHydro group provides assistance in the operation and modernization of existing generation facilities, and also intends to take part in the design and engineering of new hydropower units,” the president’s statement said.

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