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Russia and Kazakhstan agree on commercial supplies of electricity from the Russian Federation

18 ноября 2021
Views: 448

Russia and Kazakhstan have agreed on the export of electricity from the Russian Federation. The conditions for the supply of electricity will be determined by commercial companies in the future, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak.

“An agreement was reached that such electricity supplies will be carried out, but commercial conditions must be provided. The conditions will be worked out between commercial companies ”, he said.

By the end of the year, Kazakhstan can import about 400 million kWh, reported on Friday, November 12, the chief dispatcher of the KEGOC branch of the National Dispatch Center of the System Operator Bekzhan Mukatov.

According to him, tenders will be organized at the site of KOREM JSC (Kazakhstan operator of the electricity and capacity market), where consumers will be able to purchase the required volume, including Russian electricity.

Earlier in October, the acting head of the Inter RAO trading block (electricity export-import operator) Alexandra Panina said that the company was considering the possibility of starting commercial electricity supplies to Kazakhstan amid the country's energy shortage. According to her, Inter RAO is considering the possibility of entering the Kazakhstan stock exchange, where it is possible to offer buyers contracts (for an hour, a day, a month) at a price that includes the cost of electricity, transmission fees and margin.

Prior to that, in October, KEGOC reported that as a result of high accidents at power plants and a sharp increase in cryptocurrency mining in the country, unscheduled flows of electricity occur at the border with Russia in the amount of about 1-1.5 GW per day. At the same time, according to rough estimates of KEGOC, the volume of electricity consumption in Kazakhstan by farms that mine cryptocurrencies exceeds 1 GW.

In addition, according to the company, the situation is aggravated by the shortage of a reserve of maneuverable generating capacities, which is necessary to regulate the balance of power in the power system with daily fluctuations in electricity consumption.

Commenting on unscheduled flows on the border with Kazakhstan, A. Panina noted that the republic several times exceeds the agreed volume of flows and pays for electricity ex post facto at the price of the balancing market, which is lower than the one-rate price of the European part of the Russian Federation (at the end of August it was about 2.73 rubles per 1 kW • h) and does not exceed 2 rubles.

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