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Russia intends to introduce 438 MW of renewable energy capacities in 2023

16 февраля 2023
Views: 377

The total volume of renewable generation capacities commissioning in Russia in 2023 will be 438 MW, and by the end of 2025 - 2.17 GW. This was reported to TASS by the Association for the Development of Renewable Energy (RREDA).

The materials of the association specify that in 2023 it is planned to commission 438 MW of renewable energy capacity, in 2024 - 482 MW, and in 2025 - 1.25 GW. Thus, the total volume will be 2.17 GW, and the installed capacity of faccilities operating on the basis of renewable energy sources will reach 6.17 GW.

At the same time, by the end of 2025, 645 MW of solar and almost 1.4 GW of wind power plants, as well as 128 MW of small hydropower plants will be commissioned.

The head of the association, Aleksey Zhikharev, noted that in 2022 a number of companies took advantage of the delay in commissioning due to violations both in the logistics of equipment and in the organization of financing. At the same time, for those investors who were not affected by the departure of foreign equipment manufacturers, the delay will be from 7 to 12 months. For those who are faced with the need to redesign and search for new technical solutions, the transfer will be up to 24 months, with the possibility that the period may be reduced.

“The government's decision to grant the right to defer without paying a fine was absolutely correct and adequate to the current situation. It was impossible to predict the realized risks and somehow take into account, in fact, force majeure happened,” Zhikharev said.

On state support for renewable energy generation

Measures of state support for the construction of generating facilities based on renewable energy sources, involving a return on investment with guaranteed profitability, work until 2024, but the selection of projects under this program has already been completed.

The second RES generation support program will run in 2025-2035. Initially, its volume was supposed to be at the level of 400 billion rubles, but in the end it was reduced to about 350 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation expects that by 2035 about 6.7 GW of renewable energy capacities will be commissioned in Russia. Later it was reported that the volume of new additions could reach 12 GW.

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