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Russia is among the leaders in the transition to solar energy in the CIS

06 октября 2020
Views: 527

Neosun Energy analysts have assessed the development of solar energy in the CIS member states. Experts have studied all commercial and large solar projects in 11 member states in the period from 1.01.10 to 01.09.20. According to the research, the capacity of solar power plants (SPP), built in the countries of the commonwealth in 10 years, reached 7.623 GW.

Russia (1.5 GW) became one of the leaders, yielding the first line only to Ukraine (5.37GW). The third line was taken by Kazakhstan (839 MW).

The reason for such a significant gap between Ukraine and the rest of the CIS lies in the implementation of the Green Tariff program, which allows individuals and legal entities to sell surplus electricity generated by solar power plants to the state.

The growth drivers for the solar energy market in the CIS, however, are not only government subsidies. For example, in Russia and Kazakhstan, the solar energy market is also stimulated by energy shortages problems in the regions and high tariffs for electricity for legal entities.

“Over the past 10 years, the average annual increase in the installed capacity of solar power plants in the world has amounted to almost 35%. According to our estimates, in the next few years, this trend will continue due to an even more active transition to solar power plants around the world, including the CIS member states. These states have a sufficiently high level of solar insolation, which makes the transition to the use of solar power plants more profitable, due to faster payback compared to the construction of new thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants” said General Director of Neosun Energy Ilya Likhov.

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