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Russian Energy Week will take place in 2024 from September 26 to 28 in Moscow

29 ноября 2023
Views: 114

The VII International Forum “Russian Energy Week”, one of the key international events to discuss current trends in the development of the modern fuel and energy complex, will be held from September 26 to 28, 2024 in Moscow. The venue will traditionally be the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. The organizers of the REW are the Roscongress Foundation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation with the support of the Moscow Government.

The forum will once again become a platform for discussing the main challenges faced by the energy sector of the economy and current problems in the development of the gas, oil and coal industries. In addition, among the topics in the REW program are traditionally: petrochemistry, electric power and nuclear energy, energy based on renewable energy sources (RES), digital technologies, artificial intelligence, as well as energy saving and increasing energy efficiency. The central event of the Forum's business program will be the plenary session.

“Business autumn in Moscow will traditionally be marked by the main congress and exhibition event in the industry - Russian Energy Week. The planned REW 2024 agenda will be widely in demand among the professional community; it traditionally attracts the attention of our partners from foreign countries, company executives and leading industry experts. Hosting the Forum is another opportunity to strengthen the authority of our country as a global energy power,” said Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak.

In addition to the business program, an exhibition exposition of the largest energy companies operating in Russia and abroad is planned. The REW-2024 site will host Youth Day events, as well as the presentation ceremony of the international Global Energy Prize for outstanding research and scientific and technical developments that contribute to increasing the efficiency and environmental safety of energy sources on Earth in the interests of all humanity, and awarding the winners of the international media competition “Energy of the Pen”, designed to encourage journalists, observers and experts writing about the most pressing issues of modern energy.

“At the moment, the state of the world energy market, the dynamics and level of prices on it are the most important factors in shaping the development trends of the international economy. Today there is practically no country left that is not involved in the global trade in energy resources. In this regard, it seems natural and logical that discussions of the most likely prospects for the development of energy markets, which traditionally take place at the Russian Energy Week, arouse understandable interest among a wide range of international business representatives and officials. This is all the more relevant since in the foreseeable future the close relationship between GDP growth and increased energy consumption still remains in force. I am confident that next year will not be an exception, and we will once again bring together the largest representatives of the energy community in Moscow to discuss and make informed decisions,” said Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Kobyakov.

In 2024, Russian Energy Week will take place for the seventh time. This year, as part of the business program of the Forum and the REW Youth Day, over 70 events were held with the participation of more than 225 speakers. In total, over 5,000 delegates from 84 countries and territories took part in the Russian Energy Week 2023. More than 2,000 participants took part in the Youth Day events.

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