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Russians expect an increase in electricity tariffs in 2022-2024

01 октября 2021
Views: 366

Electricity tariffs in Russia in 2022-2024 will grow by 5% annually. This is reported by TASS agency with reference to materials for the draft federal budget for 2022-2024.

“In order to reduce the volume of cross-subsidization in the power grid complex, the indexation of tariffs for the transmission of power to the population on average in the Russian Federation will remain at the level of 5% annually. Regulated electricity tariffs for the population will grow at the same rate”, the document says.

During the same time, the regulated tariffs of grid organizations for the transmission of power for everyone except the population in 2022 will grow by an average of 3.8%.

In the retail electricity market, prices for all categories of consumers, except for the population, will grow by an average of 4.7% in 2022, and by 2.1% in 2023–2024.

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