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Samruk-Energo JSC approved a new development strategy

10 ноября 2021
Views: 347

The Board of Directors of Samruk-Energo JSC approved a new Development Strategy of the company for the next 10 years. Among others, the document provides plans for the development of "green" energy.

The development strategy of the largest Kazakhstani electric power holding company adheres to, but is not limited to, the principles of sustainable development enshrined in the United Nations Global Compact. It takes into account the state policy in the field of strategic planning of the national energy security system and corresponds to the main strategic directions, goals and objectives of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

As part of the implementation of the development strategy, Samruk-Energo JSC will strive to ensure the dominant share of power generation in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, invariably following the national interests of ensuring reliable, uninterrupted supply of energy resources.

It is also worth noting that Kazakhstan, like the rest of the world, is entering the stage of the 4th energy transition to the widespread use of renewable energy sources, which, over time, will largely displace fossil fuels - oil and coal. In this regard, global trends towards the transition to a "green economy", growing ESG requirements of stakeholders, are challenges for Samruk-Energy. Realizing the importance of the agenda and the risks associated with activities based on coal generation, the company outlined in the Development Strategy directions for the transition to a "green" economy and is confidently moving towards its achievement.

To reduce the net carbon footprint and increase the share of clean energy, various measures are planned, including the introduction of ESG principles, the construction of renewable energy generating facilities, the transfer of part of the Company's assets to gas, the use of the best available technologies in the field of carbon capture and storage, accumulation, digitalization and improving energy efficiency.

Recall that the generation of electricity by RES facilities of Samruk-Energo JSC (SPP, WPP, small hydroelectric power plants) in January-December 2020 amounted to 335.8 million kWh or 10.8% of the total electricity generated by all RES facilities in Kazakhstan.

Currently, the company is working on projects related to "green" energy, including the construction of wind power plants with a capacity of 60 MW and 50 MW in the Almaty and Akmola regions, counter-regulating the Kerbulak hydroelectric power plant on the Ili River with a capacity of 40 MW.

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