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Samruk-Energy JSC at the XV Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY

04 октября 2023
Views: 89

Currently, the annual XV Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023 (KEW-2023)  took place in Astana at the EXPO Congress Center.

As part of this Forum, October 3 this year. A high-level round table meeting of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council “Energy security of the CIS member states” was held with the participation of the Vice-Ministers of Energy of the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). Also at this meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Energy JSC Maksutov K.B.

The Round Table meeting was held in the format of live communication, where the parties discussed current issues in the field of energy security, including the use of fossil energy sources, renewable energy sources, water and energy resources through the prism of environmental responsibility.

During the discussion, Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Energy JSC Maksutov K.B. noted that Samruk-Energy, in its Development Strategy for a ten-year period, takes into account all its obligations within the framework of energy security, as well as the Company’s transition to low-carbon development.

At the same time, he added that a balanced and gradual transition to decarbonization is necessary, taking into account the balance between achieving the goal of reducing the carbon footprint and ensuring energy security.

Maksutov K.B. also shared the plans of Samruk-Energy JSC until 2030, within the framework of which it is planned to implement large-scale energy projects with a total capacity of up to 10 GW (of which only 3 GW is coal generation, 1 GW is gas generation and 6 GW of renewable energy sources ( 1 GW – SPP and 5 GW WPP)).

He also said that Samruk-Energy JSC, on behalf of the state, has been determined to be the authorized organization for the implementation of the construction project of Kambarata HPP-1 in the Kyrgyz Republic, the main goal of which for our country is to increase the energy security of the southern regions of Kazakhstan, as well as to increase the sustainability of water supply to the southern regions of Kazakhstan during the vegetative perrod.

At the end of the meeting, effective interaction between countries in the electricity sector was noted and a decision was made to continue cooperation in the above areas.

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