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Samruk-Energy JSC is implementing energy projects for 12 GW

17 января 2024
Views: 180

In the period until 2035, Samruk-Energo JSC plans to implement investment projects to create new generating capacities in the energy sector of Kazakhstan in a total volume of more than 12 GW. Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Energy JSC Kairat Maksutov said this at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among the announced projects, 5.9 GW are thermal plants, 600 MW are hydroelectric power plants, 5.7 GW are renewable energy facilities (wind and solar power plants). As the head of the electric power holding company noted, a number of projects will be implemented jointly with strategic investors.

In his report, Kairat Maksutov presented information on the implementation of projects for the construction of new combined cycle plants at Almaty CHPP-2 and CHPP-3.

The Almaty CHPP-2 project involves the construction of a new gas plants with an installed electrical capacity of 557 MW and a thermal capacity of 816 Gcal. The cost of the project according to the EPC contract is 330 billion tenge.

According to the Almaty CHPP-3 project, it is planned to build a CCGT unit with an installed electrical capacity of 544 MW and a thermal capacity of 160 Gcal. The cost of the project according to the feasibility study is 273 billion tenge. According to Maksutov, today the projects of CHPP-2 and CHPP-3 are fully funded, construction sites are being prepared, and geological surveys are being carried out.

The head of the company also spoke about projects for the construction of new thermal power plants in three cities of Kazakhstan. As noted, in November 2023, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on projects for the construction of thermal power plants in the cities of Kokshetau - with a capacity of 240 MW, Semey - with a capacity of 360 MW and Ust-Kamenogorsk - with a capacity of 360 MW. Kazakhstan's Samruk-Energo and Russia's INTER RAO Export were identified as authorized organizations for project implementation.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the company, currently the development of a feasibility study has been completed for the thermal power plant in the city of Kokshetau, the feasibility study for the thermal power plant in Semey will be ready in March of this year, and for the thermal power plant in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk it is planned to complete the feasibility study by the end of 2024. Completion of the construction of three thermal power plants is scheduled for 2027-2028.

Also, as it was said at the Government meeting, the project portfolio of Samruk-Energy JSC includes a number of investment projects for the construction of a number of hydroelectric power plants. We are talking about a project for the construction of the Kerbulak hydroelectric power station on the Ile River with a capacity of 50 MW, the Semey Hydroelectric Power Station on the Irtysh River with a capacity of up to 300 MW and Hydroelectric Power Station 29 on the river. Shelek, with a capacity of 70 MW. For these projects, pre-project documentation is being developed, as well as work with local executive bodies to obtain land plots.

In addition, according to the Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Energy JSC, the company is currently participating in the implementation of projects for the construction of renewable energy sources with a total capacity of 5 GW.

The State district power station-3 project involves the construction of a new station with a capacity of 1320 MW, two power units of 660 MW each.

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