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Saudi ACWA Power will build in Uzbekistan the largest wind farm in Central Asia with a capacity of 1.5 GW

11 мая 2021
Views: 777

ACWA Power from Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan on May 3 signed an Agreement on the implementation of a project for the construction of a wind farm with a capacity of 1500 MW in Karakalpakstan.

The wind farm "will become the largest wind farm in the Central Asian region and one of the largest in the world," according to a press release from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

“This project is another landmark achievement for your country and strengthens ACWA Power's commitment to working with fast-growing markets such as Uzbekistan to achieve its ambitious renewable energy and sustainable development goals,” said Mohammad Abunayan, head of ACWA Power.

“As an energy producer, we in Uzbekistan are learning a lot from our Middle Eastern and especially Saudi partners as we move towards a low carbon economy. The ACWA Power project will greatly contribute to this process. Our plan is to produce 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030, ”said in turn the Deputy Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan Sherzod Khodjaev.

The Ministry of Energy estimates that the project will supply energy to about 4 million households and compensate about 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

ACWA Power is also an investor in two wind power projects in Bukhara and Navoi, finalized earlier this year, with toеal power generation capacity of 1,000 MW. Power purchase agreements and investment agreements have been signed on these projects. In addition, the Saudi company is implementing a project for the construction of a 1,500 MW gas-fired power plant in the city of Syrdarya.

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