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Saudi Arabia will allocate $100 million for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station in Tajikistan

07 ноября 2023
Views: 71

The Saudi Development Fund will allocate $100 million for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant in Tajikistan, this amount is 50% of all funds that the fund has allocated to the republic since 2002. This was announced by the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Dushanbe, Walid ibn Abdurahman al-Rishaydan. “The Saudi Development Fund will provide a soft loan of 100 million for the construction of the Roghun hydroelectric power plant,” the Khovar news agency quotes the diplomat as saying.

The ambassador noted that the Rogun hydroelectric power plant construction project is the largest in the region and “makes a great contribution to the process of sustainable development of the country through the efficient use of natural resources, including green energy.”

As Khovar notes, the amount allocated for the construction of the hydroelectric power plant is 50% of the total funds allocated by this fund since the beginning of its activities in Tajikistan in 2002. Of the $195 million financed by the Saudi Development Fund in Tajikistan, $95 million goes to the education sector, the agency explained. In particular, in October of this year, the Ministry of Finance of Tajikistan and the fund signed an agreement to finance the project “Construction and equipment of schools in the Republic of Tajikistan” in the amount of $20 million.


The Rogun hydroelectric power station is located 110 km from Dushanbe on the Vakhsh River and is considered the largest in the region. Its construction began in 1976, but after the collapse of the USSR it was mothballed. Later, Tajikistan continued work on the construction of hydroelectric power plants; of the six units with a capacity of 600 MW provided for by the project, two have been launched so far. In the period from 2008 to 2021, almost $3 billion was allocated from the budget of Tajikistan and other sources for the reconstruction, construction and installation of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant. After its commissioning, the power of the plant will be 3.6 GW, and the dam with a height of 335 meters will become the tallest in the world.

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