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Several projects for the construction of energy facilities in Kyrgyzstan have been given the status of projects of national importance

18 января 2024
Views: 76

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic - Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry Bakyt Torobaev chaired a meeting of the commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic on the selection of national investment projects and public investment projects.

At the meeting, issues of the need to give individual projects the status of “project of national significance” were discussed.

Based on the results of the discussion, the commission members decided to assign the project “construction of the Kambarata HPP-1”, the project “construction of the Kazarman hydroelectric power plant cascade” and the project “construction of the Kemin-Torugart-500 kV power transmission line” the status of “project of national importance”.

In accordance with it, companies interested in investing in the above projects will be exempt from value added tax, sales tax, income tax for a certain period and, in addition, a number of benefits will be provided. This step will allow projects to be implemented as quickly as possible.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Bakyt Torobaev noted that attracting investments could be increased by giving individual projects the status of “project of national importance.” He also added that this will contribute to socio-economic development, job creation, development of industry and agriculture in the regions.

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