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Sherali Kabir: "Tajikistan will return to the Integrated Power System of Central Asia next year"

03 декабря 2021
Views: 624

“Next year, Tajikistan will return to the Integrated Power System of Central Asia,” Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Sherali Kabir said at the Second Eurasian Congress in Moscow on December 2.

He made this statement in response to the proposal of the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Novak to restore the Integrated Power System of Central Asia Asia (IPS CA).

Sherali Kabir noted that when resuming the operation of the integrated power system, it is necessary to take into account changes in the market and in the world.

“After the launch of the Rogun HPP, it will be possible to radically change the energy market and eliminate the electricity shortage in Central Asia,” the head of the Tajik Ministry of Industry said.

 The Integrated Power System of Central Asia was formed in 1997. It includes Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and South Kazakhstan. The system included 83 power plants from the countries of the region.

The conditions were simple: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan depended on the supply of water from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan for irrigation of farmland, the latter for this did not run the turbines of the hydroelectric power station at full capacity. In turn, oil, gas and coal were supplied to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan at preferential prices.

 In 2003, the energy ring left Turkmenistan, deciding that it was capable of fully autonomously providing itself with electricity. The system ceased to exist as such in 2009, but was recreated again in 2019.

Currently, it includes Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

The Second Eurasian Congress opened in Moscow today, December 2. It is traditionally organized by the Eurasian Development Bank. The delegation of Tajikistan is represented by the Minister of Industry and New Technologies Sherali Kabir, the head of the National Bank Khokim Kholikzoda and others.

The event is held as part of the development of a dialogue between representatives of public authorities of the member states of the Union and the active involvement of the business community in the processes of Eurasian economic integration.

Minister of Industry and New Technologies Sherali Kabir is speaking at the plenary session "Efficient water and energy complex - the basis of prosperity in Central Asia."

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