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Should Tajikistan wait for a limit on electricity in winter?

04 августа 2020
Views: 509

Last week, the government of Tajikistan asked the population take in the right spirit the restrictions on electricity supply, that could be introduced by the OJSC "Barki Tochik". The limit has not yet been introduced, at least not officially.

 “Such a situation in Tajikistan has occured for the first time, due to the fact that in the fall and winter of 2019-2020, too little snow fell in the bed formation zone of the Vakhsh and Pyanj rivers, which amounted to 50% of the volume of previous years,” mentioned in the government's appeal, published July 28, published 28 July. “Today, the amount of water in the bed of the Pyanj River is 2 thousand cubic meters less than in previous years, including 800 cubic meters less in the Vakhsh River. In the Nurek reservoir, water reserves are 17 meters less than last year. We were even forced to cut off the supply of electricity to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan before the deadline set by international agreements. "

The statement notes that if this situation continues, the water reserves in the reservoir will decrease, and in the winter period there will be serious problems in providing electricity to the population  and sectors of the national economy.

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