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SO UPS published a Report on the functioning of the UPS of Russia in April 2020

27 мая 2020
Views: 678

SO UPS published a Report on the functioning of the UPS of Russia in April 2020 (SO UPS, May 20, 2020)

The report includes information on the production and consumption of electricity of the Unified Power System of Russia, on the maximum value of the consumed capacity, on technological reserves of capacity for the production of electricity.

The report also contains information on planning and carrying out repairs of generating and network equipment; on the participation of industry entities in the general primary frequency control of electric current and active power flows and  in the automatic and operational secondary regulation of electric current frequency and active power flows. Information is provided on the parameters of the calculation model of the wholesale electricity market for the month, data on the functioning of the balancing market, as well as other information on the functioning of the UPS of Russia in April 2020.

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