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State Production Association "Belenergo" spoke about the advantages of electronic meters

30 марта 2022
Views: 481

SPA "Belenergo" informed about the advantages of electronic meters and the work to replace them.

Systematic work continues in Belarus to replace obsolete induction  watt-hour meters by modern electronic meters. This activity is carried out under the modernization program metering facilities until 2023 free of charge.

"The priority direction of  the program is the phased decommissioning of induction  watt-hour metering devices installed by residential users, primarily of accuracy class 2.5. This decision is due to the fact that as of the beginning of 2015, almost 3.6 million such devices were in use by consumers, and the vast majority of devices were with a service life of more than 32 years and an accuracy class of 2.5," the association noted. In accordance with the program, in 2021, 496.7 thousand meters were replaced at residential subscribers, which made it possible to increase the share of single-phase electronic  watt-hour meters  in operation to 80.7%.

In addition, it becomes possible to combine meters into automated systems for monitoring and accounting for electricity (ACEMS). This provides remote reading from metering devices, their technical control, and also allows to offer in payment systems the real consumption of electrical energy for payment for the billing period.

Also among the advantages of electronic meters is their resistance to temperature extremes (from - 40 to + 50 oC) and noiselessness in operation due to the lack of a moving parts.

"Electronic  take into account the electricity consumption of even low-power household appliances, for example, a TV in standby mode, a charger connected to the power supply network. This allows you to more reliably determine the amount of electricity consumed. Therefore, you need be mindful of electricity rational use," the press service concluded.

The replacement of meters under the modernization program is carried out in accordance with the customers address schedules. To clarify information on the replacement of metering devices at a specific address, one can contact the energy supply organization at the place of residence.

When replacing the readings of the removed metering device, they will be compared with the paid readings. In case that the fee paid by the payer exceeds the volumes actually consumed, the funds transferred in excess are credited against future payments or may be returned to the payer.

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