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System Operator: In the energy sector, an end-to-end modeling process based on CIM is provided

09 февраля 2024
Views: 74

At the “CIM in Russia and the World” conference, Nikolai Belyaev, Head of the Information Model Service of the System Operator, spoke about the most important results of the work on unifying information exchange based on the Common Information Model (CIM) standards, its current status and promising directions for technology development.

Speaking with the report “Organization of data exchange between subjects of the electric power industry. What next?” Nikolay Belyaev noted that to date, in the process of harmonizing information exchange in the industry, it has been possible to create a methodological and regulatory framework for the introduction of a new “language of technological communication”, to work out the organizational and technological aspects of data exchange based on CIM during pilot projects. Modeling technologies and the possibility of consolidating disparate information models have been streamlined, and the process of filling and updating the Common Information Model of the Unified Power System of Russia has been refined. The implemented pilot projects showed the need for fine-tuning of the new interaction format, but overall they can be considered successful.

“Today, regulations provide a single end-to-end modeling process using CIM technology across the industry. According to the Rules for the Technical Operation of Electric Power Plants and Networks of the Russian Federation, owners create information models of the equipment and power facilities they own. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 1340 dated December 20, 2022, through the CIM portal, they transmit to the System Operator the information contained in information models. Based on the information received, the System Operator creates promising information models of power systems, the data of which is provided to industry entities in accordance with Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2023,” emphasized Nikolay Belyaev.

The Head of the Information Model Service spoke about the current parameters for the exchange of technological information between industry entities and the System Operator in accordance with CIM standards.

With the largest energy companies, including PJSC Rosseti, PJSC RusHydro, Rosenergoatom Concern, JSC SUENKO and JSC Grid Company (Tatarstan), agreements were reached on the exchange of information on the parameters and characteristics of equipment and power lines in the format cimxml, meeting the requirements of GOST R 58651.2019. Pilot projects implemented with these energy companies provide the ability to receive information about the parameters and characteristics of equipment located at 73.2% of energy facilities.

Energy companies that do not have their own information models transfer information using specialized web forms of the CIM portal, followed by automatic conversion of the received information into the CIM structure. In this way, data on the remaining 26.7% of energy facilities is transmitted to dispatch centers. To optimize this process, the System Operator independently filled out the parameters of the information model in the amount previously received from the relevant industry entities on paper.

In total, in 2023, about 1.5 million parameter values were entered into the Common Information Model of the Unified Power System of Russia and more than 75 thousand pieces of equipment were added. In general, since 2021, the “digital twin” of the power system has been replenished with more than 280,000 pieces of equipment.

Separately, the speaker noted the results of work on standardizing information exchange. It is carried out within the framework of the subcommittee PC-7 “Intelligent Technologies in the Electric Power Industry” of the Technical Committee 016 “Electric Power Industry” of Rosstandart, headed by the System Operator. To date, the GOST 58651 series, which describes the use of CIM in the Russian electric power industry, already includes 10 national standards. Four more standards are under active development. An important result of this work in 2023 was the release of standardization recommendations, including a machine-readable canonical model of GOST R 58651 in an open format.

In conclusion, the Head of the Information Model Service spoke about promising areas for using CIM over the horizon of 5–10 years. Among them is the exchange of information on the results of measurements of electrical mode parameters, operating parameters of relay protection devices and emergency automation and lists of dispatch objects, as well as the provision of promising calculation models.

“Expanding the scope of CIM and replicating the technology to other business processes will create synergies for the industry. CIM allows you to effectively build integration processes. Therefore, it is advisable to build “data wire” systems, both within energy companies and across the entire industry,” summarized Nikolai Belyaev.

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