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Tajikistan and Russia discussed issues of energy cooperation

03 июня 2022
Views: 394

Bilateral cooperation in the field of energy was the topic of the conversation, which was held by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Tajikistan Usmonali Usmonzoda and Minister of Energy of Russia Nikolai Shulginov, who was in Dushanbe on a working visit.

The parties discussed the issue of Russia's participation in the Coordinating Electric Power Council of the countries of Central Asia as a full member.

In addition, the Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan, Daler Juma, discussed with Nikolai Shulginov the work of the joint venture OJSC Sangtudinskaya HPP-1 and issues related to the trouble-free operation of energy systems in Central Asia.

Recall that on May 25-27, Dushanbe will host the 6 th Annual International Congress and Exhibition "Hydropower. Central Asia and the Caspian 2022".

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