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Tajikistan earned $106 million from electricity exports in 2022

24 января 2023
Views: 503

Tajikistan in 2022 exported electricity worth over $106 million, which is 10.6% more than in 2021, the country's statistical office reports.

The share of electricity in the total export of the republic last year increased to 5% from 4.5% the year before.

Tajikistan, in accordance with the concluded agreements, supplies electricity to Afghanistan (all year round), as well as to Uzbekistan (only in the spring-summer period, May-August).

The contract concluded with Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) for 2022 provided for the daily supply of Tajik electricity to Afghan consumers up to 400 MW in May-August and 40 MW in September-April.

Earlier Barki Tojik reported, that it was not possible to obtain information on the cost of Tajik electricity for Afghan consumers in 2022. However, that in 2021, Afghanistan paid 3 cents per kilowatt for a 110 kilovolt transmission line and 4.5 cents for a 220 kilovolt transmission line.

In accordance with the 2008 agreement, the cost of Tajik electricity for Afghan consumers increases by 3% annually.

Note that the agreement signed in 2008 on the export of Tajik electricity to Afghanistan is designed for 20 years - until 2028. It is annually extended by the signing of an additional protocol, which determines the volume and cost of electricity supplied for the coming year.

One of the conditions of last year's agreement was the payment of DABS debt to the Tajik energy holding. At the beginning of 2022, Barki Tojik reported that the Afghan company owed them $33 million.

Until the middle of last year, this debt was reduced by only $5 million, which the management of OJHC "Barki Tojik" explained by the difficulties of transferring money from DABS accounts in Afghan banks.

At the beginning of the second decade of January, DABS announced the signing of an additional protocol to the agreement on the export of Tajik electricity to Afghanistan for 2023. The terms of the agreement concluded in Istanbul are not given in the message.

According to statistics, in 2022, about 21.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were produced in the republic, which is 3.8% more than in 2021. Including, 93.1% of electricity was generated by hydroelectric power plants (HPP), 6.9% - by thermal power plants (CHP), and 0.001% comes from solar energy.

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