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Tajikistan exported electricity worth over $43.2 million in the first half of this year

20 июля 2023
Views: 72

Tajikistan in the first half of this year exported electricity worth more than $43.2 million, according to the country's statistical office. This is $1.4 million less compared to the same period in 2022.

Tajikistan, according to "Barki Tojik" company, within the framework of the concluded agreements, supplies electricity to Afghanistan (all year round, but in limited volumes in the autumn-winter period) and to Uzbekistan - only in the spring-summer period (from May to August).

This is because during the autumn-winter period there is not enough electricity even to provide domestic consumers.

In the summer, the republic has large surpluses of water and energy resources, part of which is dumped at the hydroelectric power station for nothing.

In mid-May of this year, the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan announced the start of seasonal imports of electricity from Tajikistan.

“It is known that since 2018 there has been a practice of exporting electricity produced during the summer reclamation period to Uzbekistan, which, in turn, serves to increase the flow of natural waters entering the reservoirs of our country,” the message said.

According to the statistical agency, in the first half of this year, about 10.7 billion kWh of electricity was produced in Tajikistan, which is 3.3% more compared to the same period in 2022.

About 95% of electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants, the rest is generated by thermal power plants, as well as solar power plants in small volumes.

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