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Tajikistan exported electricity worth almost $20 million in September

17 октября 2023
Views: 115

Over the three quarters of this year, Tajikistan earned more than $104.5 million from electricity exports, the country’s statistical agency reports.

This is 4.8% more than the same period in 2022 , when about $99.8 million worth of energy was exported.

In September of this year, when rural residents complained of frequent and long blackouts and Barki Tojik announced a shortage of electricity, neighboring countries received about $20 million worth of Tajik energy. This is almost equal to the figure from August of this year ($22 million), which refers to the summer period.

Barki Tojik OJSC claims that electricity supplies to Uzbekistan are carried out only in the summer, and exports to Afghanistan will also continue in the autumn-winter season, but solely to preserve the infrastructure.

  The company's management noted that in the cold season, when there is a shortage of electricity in Tajikistan itself, supplies to Afghanistan are reduced by 10 times: from 400 MW to 40 MW.

  At the end of September, Barki Tojik OJSC announced that during the coming autumn-winter period, the supply of electricity may be limited.

Meanwhile, village residents already receive limited amounts of electricity - three hours in the morning and five hours in the evening.

Villagers in all regions of the country, except for GBAO, complain about the limited supply of light (the power system of this region operates independently from the central power system of the country and is managed by the private company Pamir Energy).

Mass blackouts in rural areas of the country began in the last ten days of September. Electricity is cut off not only to residents, but also to retail outlets and small businesses, which causes great damage to the country’s economy as a whole.

According to statistics, in January-September of this year, 17.1 billion kWh of electricity was produced in the republic, which is 4.8% more than the same period in 2022.

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