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Tajikistan gained about $ 90 million from electricity exports

29 октября 2021
Views: 460

The supply of electricity to neighbors this year has almost doubled compared to 2020.

Tajikistan in January-September 2021 exported electricity for $ 89.4 million, which is $ 36.1 million more than in 2020, the Statistics Agency reported.

In September of this year, Tajik electricity was supplied to neighboring countries for about $ 17 million, about the same as in August this year.

The sales markets for Tajik electricity are Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, which receive it in almost the same volumes. This is due to the fact that the agreements concluded with the electric power companies of these two countries for 2021 assume the same volume of supplies - 1.5 billion kWh each.

Uzbekistan pays 2 cents for each kilowatt, as do households in Tajikistan, and Afghanistan pays 3 cents for a 110 kV transmission line and 4.5 cents for a 220 kV transmission line services.

Earlier, after the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat electricity company reported that it owed neighboring countries, including Tajikistan, $ 62 million for the electricity it received, and asked to postpone the payment until a later date.

The relevant structures of Tajikistan do not comment on the situation with the export of electricity abroad, including to Afghanistan.

At the beginning of this month, Tajikistan also started supplying energy to Kyrgyzstan, however, supplies were suspended.

Meanwhile, in Tajikistan itself, with the beginning of the second decade of October, frequent and prolonged power outages began in rural areas.

OJSCHK "Barki Tojik" explains the power outages "by carrying out scheduled maintenance work necessary for the preparation of power lines."

According to official statistics, in January-September of this year, Tajikistan produced about 15.9 billion kWh of electricity, which is 7.4% more than in the corresponding period of 2020.

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