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Tajikistan has dramatically increased the supply of electricity to its neighbors. Afghanistan including

25 августа 2021
Views: 617

Tajikistan has dramatically increased the supply of electricity to its neighbors. Electricity supplies in January-July amounted to the sum that the Republic of Tajikistan received for the entire 2020.

Over the seven months of this year, Tajikistan exported more than $ 55 million worth of electricity, according to the statistics department of the republic.

This is 25% more compared to the same period in 2020, when more than $ 44 million worth of electricity was supplied to neighboring countries.

Over the past month, suppliers of Tajik electricity generated about $ 18 million, which is a third of all electricity exported since the beginning of the year.

Recall that last year Tajikistan exported electricity worth more than $ 56.4 million, which was 40% less than in 2019. This was due to the acute shortage of electricity in the republic itself due to the lack of water.

Tajikistan currently exports electricity to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, despite the Taliban taking over much of the Afghan north.

Earlier, the Ministry of Energy of Tajikistan reported that the supply of electricity to Afghanistan was not suspended, despite the political situation in this country.

The ministry noted that the contract for the export of Tajik electricity to Afghanistan in 2021 is about 1.5 billion kWh.

In the republic for 7 months of this year, more than 12.1 billion kWh was generated, which is 0.8% more than in the same period of 2020.

About 93% of electricity was generated by hydroelectric power plants, the rest by thermal and solar power plants.

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