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Tajikistan has gradually increased the supply of electricity to neighboring countries by almost 80% over the last four months of 2020

15 января 2021
Views: 2885

Tajikistan has gradually increased the supply of electricity to neighboring countries by almost 80% over the last four months of 2020.

In September last year, Tajikistan supplied electricity to external consumers in the amount of over $ 1.9 million, in October - about $ 2 million, in November - over $ 2.7 million, and in December - almost $ 3.4 million.

In general, in 2020, electricity exports amounted to more than $ 56.4 million, which is 40% less than in 2019, reports the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In the republic itself, in September-December, there were severe electricity constraints, which was explained by the repair and maintenance work of Barki Tojik OJSC.

The authorities announced official restrictions on electricity consumption on January 5 this year, citing a lack of hydro-energy resources.

Currently, only residents of multi-storey buildings receive electricity 24 hours a day, and the population in rural areas is supplied with energy exclusively during the day time.

Electricity production in 2020 in Tajikistan amounted to about 19.8 billion kWh, which is 4.4% (906 million kWh) less than in 2019.

About 95% of electricity in the republic is generated by hydroelectric power plants, and the remaining part - by thermal power plants.

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